NPN is an organization of independent music publishers in Nashville, Tennessee who...
- meet regularly to share song-pitching information
- host guest speakers
- stage occasional social and/or musical events
- contribute to various music community causes
- keep each other apprised as to the availability of industry resources
- have catalogs comprised of all genres of music
Please use our Contact Us page to request songs from our member publishers!
What is the purpose of the Nashville Publishers Network?
The Nashville Publishers Network is a membership organization whose purpose is to share current industry information and to promote the status of member publishers in the music community.
What, specifically, does NPN do?
We have a general meeting once a month, as well as a monthly business meeting at which the direction and strategies for the group are discussed. We host guest speakers, who speak on issues of interest relating to the music business; stage occasional social and/or musical events; contribute to various music community causes; and keep each other apprised as to the availability of industry resources.
I'm an artist, producer or record label looking for songs for an upcoming recording project. Can NPN help me find songs?
Absolutely! Our members have songs in all genres and for all occasions. If you click on the "Contact Us" link on this Web site, you can send an e-mail to the entire NPN membership requesting songs. Just be sure to be specific in your request and include information about style, tempo, subject matter, etc.
Since you're in Nashville, does this mean you're open only to publishers of country music?
Not at all! Member publishers' catalogs consist of all genres of music - including country, rock, pop, bluegrass, hip-hop, Americana, jazz, blues, R&B and more.
Will NPN help me pitch my songs to artists, producers, record labels and other music industry decision-makers?
NPN is not a pitch group. However, we provide our members with tools - such as a monthly tip sheet that lists artists who are recording, their producers, recording schedule, type of material sought, etc. - that will help in the pitching process.
How do I become a member of NPN?
NPN is open to all hard-working independent publishers.
View and print the application guidelines here.
The Membership Committee will review the material submitted. Upon approval by a majority vote of the committee, the application will be voted on at the next scheduled monthly meeting of the general membership. If granted approval by a simple majority at the general meeting, the applicant will be granted NPN membership.
If I become a member of NPN, what will be expected of me?
The membership of NPN consists of music publishers who have an affiliation with a performance right association (such as BMI, ASAP or SESAC), are active in the Nashville music community, and are current with their dues (currently $50 a year). All members of NPN are required to maintain a policy of professional standards and to participate actively in NPN, which includes meeting attendance requirements (a minimum of eight meetings a year).
Can I send my songs to NPN for publishing?
No. NPN itself is not a publisher, but a group of independent publishers. Therefore you cannot send material to NPN for publishing, but certain individual publishers are open to listening to outside material. You should contact them individually and ask for their submission guidelines. NOTE: Do not send unsolicited material to any publisher without permission, or to NPN. Unsolicited material will be returned unopened.